About Me...

I am 13 years old, and I live in a backwoods town in Kentucky (Laugh if you want). I enjoy punk and rock music, especially AFI. I created this blog to try and do something sane and organized every day or week, instead of wasting away on Facebook and other things. Enjoy reading about my adventures and thoughts of my daily life.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

My Title Explanation

If anybody stumbles upon my blog and wonders what my title means, then now I'm going to explain this before any confusion arises. I used "Crimson" because red is my favorite color, and I used "Sticks" because I am a drummer, and "sticks" means drumsticks. I just thought the two sounded good together.


Well, this is my first post on here. I haven't learned the ropes of Blogspot yet, so bear with me. Is anyone even going to see this blog? Things like this always frustrate me, when I have an unanswered question or I don't know the way around a website or such. If anybody sees this, please comment on this post so I can know I'm not alone!